Art For Science is installing replicas of works of art in hospitals and EPHADs, demonstrating the potential of the brain to reduce pain and accelerate healing. Art has a stimulating effect on our brains, and when we see a work of art that we like, our brains secrete painkillers and reduce our heart pressure.
The replicas are printed directly onto AIRPLAC® panels because this material resists disinfection in hospitals and is light enough for patients to move the replicas themselves. Solid and light at the same time, a person in a fragile situation can carry their replica to their room, with no risk of injury if the replica were to fall from their hands, thanks to this panel, which is 97% air.
The effects of these replicas in figures :
– 57% of patients feel less pain as a result of contemplating the works of art
– 100% of patients and carers recommend the programme
– 80% of carers say their working environment is more positive
Find out more about their programmes in Paris, Lyon and the French overseas departments and territories.
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